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Interesting Ages of Galactic Years

We all know the Earth revolves around the sun at about 30 km/s. We celebrate the new year every 365 days as the earth completes one revolution. But at the same time, the entire Solar system is orbiting the centre of the galaxy. It takes about 225 million years to complete one revolution around Milky way…..

……as we live on the outer edge of the galaxy. This duration is known as Galactic Year. The last time the earth was at this location, dinosaurs were beginning to walk to planet. Since Its birth, the sun has orbited the centre of the milky way 20 times. Now lets see what happened on the earth as it was going around the Milky way.

18 Galactic Years Ago 

The solar nebula, a large rotating cloud of interstellar dust and gas, formed the Earth. Somewhere between astronomical science and intimate human relationships lies the interstellar meaning. This is a story about passing through the stars and fighting for what you love at the same time. I hope you'll definitely see a film called 'Interstellar.'

17 Galactic Years Ago

The Earth's first oceans formed as a result of centuries of rainfall as the planet cooled. The first oceans on Earth were not a prominent soup. 3.5 billion years ago, when life first appeared on the planet, rocks from the deep past were deposited on a deep, cold ocean floor.

16.8 Galactic Years Ago

Life appeared on Earth shortly after the formation of vast oceans. The earliest undisputed evidence of life on Earth dates back at least 3.5 billion years, during the Eoarchean Era, after the geological crust began to solidify following the earlier miltan Hadean Eon.

12 Galactic Years Ago

Bacteria appeared on Earth for the first time.

10 Galactic Years Ago

Stable continents appeared on the planet surface.

6.8 Galactic Years Ago

Multicellular organism appeared after billions of years on the earth.

2.4 Galactic Years Ago

Cambrian Explosion: a sudden appearance of diversity life forms in a relatively short time.

2 Galactic Years Ago

The first brain structure appeared in worms. A marine ragworm has brain structures that researchers now believe are directly related to the human brain. 

0.29 Galactic Years Ago 

KT Extinction Event: about 75% of life was wiped out from Earth.

Now, here’s what the Earth will see next as it continues its journey..

1 Galactic Years from Now

All of the continents could converge to form a single supercontinent.

Supercontinents are massive landmasses composed of multiple continental cores. Pangaea, the world's best-known supercontinent, was once the world's only continent — it was here that dinosaurs first appeared — and the progenitor of today's continents.

2.5 Galactic Years from Now

Tidal acceleration has pushed the moon so far away that a total solar eclipse is now impossible. Tidal acceleration is the result of tidal forces acting on an orbiting natural satellite (such as the Moon) and the primary planet that it orbits (e.g. Earth).

4 Galactic Years from Now

The decline in CO2 levels causes the extinction of multicellular life. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose and fell. This was due to volcanic activity and other factors. When the levels were high, they caused a greenhouse effect. More heat was trapped on the Earth's surface, and the climate warmed. When the levels were low, less heat was trapped, and the planet cooled.

15 Galactic Years from Now

As the sun expands, the surface conditions on Earth will be similar to those on Venus today. Because the two worlds are so similar in size and composition, Venus is sometimes referred to as “Earth's twin.” However, Venus's hellish surface has little in common with Earth's Goldilocks-perfect conditions.

22 Galactic Years from Now

The Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy begin to collide. According to Hubble Space Telescope observations, the two galaxies will collide about 4 billion years from now due to their mutual gravity. In about 6 billion years, the two galaxies will merge to form a single galaxy.

25 Galactic Years from Now

The sun ejects planetary nebula, ending its life and becoming a white dwarf star.

 The sun will go around the Milky way 25 more times before it meets its end. 

We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special”

-       S. Hawking.


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