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How to stop procrastinating?🤔


Source: The creative life

 "10 ways to stop procrastinating "

Are you unable to complete your studies on time?

We all are aware of the habit of procrastination.

When we think that we will do this work after a while or tomorrow, then it's called procrastination.

Procrastination remembered me a couplet of Sant Kabir which is , 

" kaal kare so aaj kar , aaj kare so ab;

Pal me parlay aaego, bahuri karego kab! "

We and you have been doing this since school time. Goals and checklists are made quickly, but when the action is to be taken, then quickly postpone it to tomorrow, next week or next month.

Do you know when people set their goals, then what days they quit? 

21 days…….,14 days…….

No! Most people quit on the 2nd day and this is because whenever we set a goal we want to be perfect in that thing.

And this is why we do the quits.

We think  that I had to walk at least 10,000 steps everyday to make me lose weight. Could only do 2000 today. Leave this! Weight loss is not my thing.

So, now the question is what should we do so that we not only start the goal but also complete it?

Here are some ways to eliminate the big chronic habit of procrastination.

  1. Change your environment-

Your work environment is very important. The more distractions there are the fewer chances you have of getting anything done.

 Block any possible distractions like from your phone for a certain period of time. It's hard to get something done when you continuously getting notifications from facebook, instagram, whatsapp  , etc.  Right!

  1. Break your task into small pieces-

If the fight of doing major tasks is over warming. Take and break it into a couple of smaller ones for example if you have to write a long paper or do a big project. 

Write down a list of all the things that you need to do from the moment you sit to write to the moment it's done.

 Then follow this plane task by task. 

It may be hard at first but the more you get into it, it will become easier.

Complete all your tasks and get it done!


  1. Use the 15 minute rule-

Grabe a timer , set it for 15 minute and start working. When you begin you get into it and forget about time frames.

"Take our word for it!"

It's no wonder that this technique is so popular. People usually end up doing this with much more than 15 minutes. However, if you only deal with 15 minute take a 15 minute break before continuing the work for another 15 minute then repeat this work wrest.

This simple work method will help you get more and more involved and finally finished the task.

  1. Start with the hardest thing-

It's like that all say, if you have to swallow some frogs. Start with the biggest one first.

Yukk! But true

The logic behind this is very simple: pick the hardest task on your list and do it first.

The most difficult task is usually the one you procrastinate about the most.

So when it's done you'll not only feel relieved but realise how easy it will be now to do everything else.

Hardest tasks are often only seen this way but when you start work on them, they are not as bad as you expected. So make it to do and then enjoy all the other easy parts afterwards.

  1. Reward yourself-

Set a small goal first, then reward yourself on completion. This will give you self motivation and will give you the desire to do that work.

  1. Keep inspiring company-

Hang out with inspiring companies more often.

Your friends and the people can also make a huge difference to your procrastinating. When you surround yourself with driven and inspiring people you want to do more to work towards your dreams. 

On the other hand if most of your friends are lazy, you see no problem in delaying everything for no reason. The people we spent time with influence us greatly.

The more time you spent with go getters, the more ambitious and determined you'll become. 

  1. Try time management-

Time management requires you to make a list of everything you have to do and write down exactly when you'll do it. Specially saying the best way to manage time is write down everything from your tasks to daily routine even watching your favourite TV serial.

Time management will make you more organized and responsible.

  1. Set deadlines-

Utilize the power of deadlines.

Give a special deadline according to your work and you have to complete that work till the deadline.

There is no need to panic if you are unable to complete the work till the deadline, just try to finish it on time next time.

  1. Develop the next action habit-

How often does it happen that we get nervous about our daily routine?

It's solution is that,

" If you want to clear the entire forest , then your focus should be on one tree!"

Similarly, instead of meditating on your day-to-day routine, pay attention to the work you can do at this time. Which will also increase your productivity.

  1. Built momentum- 

You can also understand it as a Momentum of physics.

You just push yourself a little more at the time of starting, if you are in the rhythm then all you have to do is maintain the rhythm.

Successful people follow this principle, they work first, then second ,then third, and this Momentum also gives success to those people.



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