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4 ancient time indian scientists and doctors who made great contributions to the world...

 4  ancient time indian scientists and doctors who made great contributions to the world... 

Hello! Dear dairy 

I am back with some historical knowledge. Indian scientists and doctors have made great contributions to the world from ancient times. 

Read about these ancient Indians who gave us idea and facts that form the basis of both medicine and science today. 

  1. Charaka -

The famous doctor Charaka lived at the court of the Kushana king, Kanishka. His Charakasamhita remains an important reference book for Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine. The book lists 600 different drugs and how they were to be used to treat disease. It also lays down guidelines for medical practice, and tells doctors how they should conduct themselves.

2.Sushruta - 

In the 6th century BC lived the world's first plastic surgeon, Sushruta. He performed many different types of surgeries, and wrote a medical text, the Sushruta Samhita, based on the teachings of an earlier physician called Dhanvantri.

In his book, he deals with different types of bones, various surgical procedures and instruments, types of bandages and the imptance of hygiene and pain control when operating.

3.Aryabhatta - 

Aryabhatta (476 AD - 520AD) was an ancient mathematician and astronomer who lived in Pataliputra (Patna) during the region of the Gupta kings. The value of 'pi' as 3.1416 determined by him remains in the use even today. He was the earliest astronomer to propose that the earth is round, that it rotates on its own axis, and that it travels around the sun, giving us day and night.

4.Bhaskara - 

Bhaskara (1114AD-1190 AD) was a great mathematician and astronomer , too. His book, the Siddhanta Shiromani, deals with algebra, with spheres and planetary mathematics such as Brahmagupta and Sridhara. He was the first to state that a term divided by infinity equals infinity. He can also be considered the founder of differential calculus.


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