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Showing posts from November, 2020

Some strange beliefs and superstitions from around the World

  Touch Wood! As we know, all people who exist in this universe have some belief. And also different people have different beliefs just like this different countries or different places have their beliefs. Superstitions, myths, omens and irrational beliefs certainly paly a role in cultures throughout the World.                                        Here are some strange beliefs and superstitions🎭 from around the world🌍. They tell us a lot about the culture and psychology of human beings everywhere. Read about them and explore your knowledge. Spain- In a certain part of northern Spain, a Santa Campaña is a long line of dead people☠️ who walk through the forests on full moon 🌝nights. People say if you see this line, you will follow them for all of Eternity😱. So you are advised to stay home on full moon night. Salamanca, Spain, has a famous University, known all over the world🌐. In front of one of the university doors🚪 is a frog🐸 carved on the wall🧱. Many studen

How to stop procrastinating?🤔

  Source: The creative life  " 10 ways to stop procrastinating " Are you unable to complete your studies on time? We all are aware of the habit of procrastination. When we think that we will do this work after a while or tomorrow, then it's called procrastination. Procrastination remembered me a couplet of Sant Kabir which is ,  " kaal kare so aaj kar , aaj kare so ab; Pal me parlay aaego, bahuri karego kab! " We and you have been doing this since school time. Goals and checklists are made quickly, but when the action is to be taken, then quickly postpone it to tomorrow, next week or next month. Do you know when people set their goals, then what days they quit?  21 days…….,14 days……. No! Most people quit on the 2nd day and this is because whenever we set a goal we want to be perfect in that thing. And this is why we do the quits. We think  that I had to walk at least 10,000 steps everyday to make me lose weight. Could only do 2000 today. Leave this! Weight loss

10 inspiring youngsters..

  10 inspiring youngsters! Are you feeling bored?  Don't worry bro! Just think of a T-Rax making the  bed. (◠‿◕)  Whatever,  If you are giving up or struggling for motivation, sometimes that's just you need.  People often say that motivation doesn't last .. Well, neither does bathing. So, you need inspiration from some ideals that'll get you back on track. You must have heard about superheroes. Let's introduce you to the superheroes of real life. We have put together a list of 10 inspiring student superheroes who  have made a difference in their communities from a young age. Reading this will give you an inspirational kick in the pants.(。◕‿◕。)➜   Devesh Bhaiya :-) Source: ALLEN Blog Age is no importance unless you are a cheese. A seventh- grader has won more than 200 medals so that his rental flat is not sufficient to house his awards and medals, don't think I'm drawing a longbow. From Jalgaon to Rashtrapati Bhavan, the wonderful Journey of this young talen